They are humans, not animals in the zoo!
Oct 22, 2012 22:05
  • BBQQ
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In the future, the scientists may find a method to get rid of human's bad genes like selfishness. Then we can be pure humans.
Oct 25, 2012 21:55
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It is impossible, BBQQ. We have the emotions to be human, and many want things to excess, which may be personified as the deadly sins.
Oct 28, 2012 02:16
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Originally Posted by RAINDROP

It is impossible, BBQQ. We have the emotions to be human, and many want things to excess, which may be personified as the deadly sins.

Haha, it's my wish. So people were born to be selfish because they have the emotions since their birth.
Oct 29, 2012 16:10
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We can take away our selfishness, arrogance, and those unbecoming conducts through proper training, including the belief system(s) if a person has.
Oct 29, 2012 21:06
  • BBQQ
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Originally Posted by WANHU

We can take away our selfishness, arrogance, and those unbecoming conducts through proper training, including the belief system(s) if a person has.

Some people are willing to change but some are not. The parents have to teach their kids since they are very young.
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