Do you know 45-day chickens?
Jun 26, 2013 02:29
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Almost all DSLR and ordinary digital cameras are made in Japan. China once produced 120 film camera. I still remember "Seagull". It has top quality but has gone for years.

Today, aigo is probably the only Chinese brand digital camera (If I remember it correctly). Many people have the same question "Why can't China produce its own DSLR?" I think Japan has already done excellently in make DSLR. It's no need to waste money to compete with a rival that takes a lead for years. You know you can't win. The USA is more developped than Japan. Why can't they produce the DSLR too? Same answer.
Jun 30, 2013 18:50
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I have that box camera, Seagull. I also have another brand Hecoflex where both use flash bulbs for lighting, not hot shoe like modern camera. Both are still in good working condition but then 120 film is not easy to get nowadays as well as expensive.

Why can't China produce DSLR? To me China is new in production industry and is now like Japan used to be in 1960s, a good copier. In Malaya/Malaysia, not many people wanted to buy Japanese products when they could buy things from Britain and other European countries. In early 1970s Japanese products started to picking up, and with their continuous improvements, they managed to overshadow Europe and USA, and even Mazda could buy over Ford company. There are still a few American brand of cars but now with Japan technology such as Chevrolet. If you say China doesn't have to produce DSLR because Japan does, then why China produces cars like Chery? We have some models of Chery car in Malaysia but majority of the Malaysian buyers still prefer Japanese and Korean cars.

Jul 1, 2013 20:57
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I didn't say "China doesn't make DSLR because Japan does." I said "China needn't waste their money on producing DSLR." Japan is the specialist who makes DSLR. His technology is ahead of other nations including USA. Even China does its best to produce DSLR, it can't compete with Japan.
Jul 7, 2013 01:24
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Dear Raindrop
If you read my message, I also didn't say China doesn't make DSLR. I just put a question, if you say China doesn't have to produce... where doesn't make with doesn't have to produce are two sets of contrasting meaning. The words: doesn't have to with need not to almost similar but perhaps with different strength and weight where the latter perhaps provides an option.
Jul 7, 2013 21:49
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Dear Wan,

Sorry for making you confused. No matter whatever happened between China and Japan, we have to admit that Japan is much more advanced than China in many aspects. DSLR is just an example.
Jul 10, 2013 16:56
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Doesn't matter. China probably many internal problems that can't advance like Japan and other developed countries as it has the most number of population in the world. There are of course some worrisome business issues with China by other countries, it is easy to import than to export, and secondly it is quite scary to produce things because China would make a good copy. I don't know how far this is true but talks are grapevining.
Jul 10, 2013 22:24
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Chinese producers have made so many copies, Chanel, Gucci, LV etc. However, they haven't produced good copies of DSLR yet. You know why?
Jul 11, 2013 16:56
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They can but they won't. Many Japanese and Korean products are produced in China and later resend back to their country of origin. At one time Japan was renowned for having the fastest train on earth. Recently Malaysia, under UMW has bought train coaches from China.

Frankly, I can't answer you, why China doesn't produce good DSLRs. Perhaps just like mobile phones, we know China has produced a lot of mobile phones in Shenzhen but people still go for Samsung thus the factories in China instead of producing the real China brand they opt for making copies of those famous brands.

Jul 15, 2013 20:48
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Clothes are the easiest to copy and the makers can easily make profits. DSLR is too complicated. It has high production requirements. On the other hand, the customers are not foolish. When they buy cameras, they care about the price and the quality. I believe most of them won't buy a DSLR made by an unknown maker. Thus, I think people won't risk their money on producing something that the customers don't like.
Jul 16, 2013 09:30
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Haha, look at Samsung. Ten years ago, not many look at Samsung but apple and Nokia.
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